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Questions and Answers
If you have any questions or concerns beyond these please feel free to reach out to us and we will respond as soon as possible!

What can Massage Therapy treat?Massage Therapy treats and works to prevent physical dysfunction and pain in the soft tissues and joints of the body through hands-on work using a variety of techniques to treat muscles, fascia, tendons, joints, and ligaments. Massage therapy can help with a wide variety of conditions, injuries, and overall health and wellness. Every person's treatment is tailored to their personal health history and health goals. Common conditions we can help with include but are not limited to: Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis, Headaches and migraines, Muscle spasms, Sprains and strains, Sport, work, and other soft tissue injuries, Repetitive strain injury (ex; Carpal Tunnel), Back and neck pain, Upper and lower extremity complaints, Circulatory and respiratory problems, Post-injury and post-surgical restrictions, Pregnancy discomfort, Stress relief, Wellness and injury prevention, Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, and more.
Who should get a Massage?Massage is for everybody! We focus on consent and will adapt your treatment to your comfort level. Muskoka Soma is a place for everyone and we believe in Body Positivity and Health At Every Size (HAES) and are committed to offering inclusive, accessible, and compassionate healthcare for all. This is a safe space and everyone is welcome, just as you are. LGBTQ+ Friendly We will complete a comprehensive health history as part of booking/intake, please alert us to any changes at anytime. We need this information to offer you safe and effective treatment - Massage therapy is a systemic treatment that can effect the whole body, it is important for us to know what is going on with you so we can modify if needed.
Accessibility QuestionsThe bad: We are located on the second-floor which is accessed via stairs - Unfortunately, we do not have a barrier-free option at our clinic, however, I would be happy to assist you in locating a fully accessible RMT. If you require extra time to navigate the stairs please let me know and I will be happy to work with you! The good: Our Massage table is rated to lift 500lbs and is extra wide and extra long at 30 inches in width and 77 inches in length!
What should I expect during my appointment?You will be asked to complete your intake forms before your appointment using our clinic software Jane! It is important to fill out your forms in detail so we can provide you with safe and effective treatment. At the start of your appointment, we will conduct an intake and assessment which can include movements, questions, and hands-on assessment. This can take a few minutes up to ten depending on complexity. We will go over a treatment plan and answer any questions you may have. My goal is to provide you with effective Massage Therapy and maximize your hands-on-the-table time! While I wash my hands and arms you will get on the table underneath the sheet and blanket- we will go over where and what we are working on during the intake. Massage is best-performed skin on skin however if you prefer to stay dressed we will work with your needs. Some techniques are applied over the sheets too! Only the area we are working on will be undraped during treatment. We may ask you to turn over depending on the areas we are working on. We will check in with you continually and if you need to stop or modify anything at any time just let me know! Consent is ongoing and may change and that is all right! When your Massage is completed I will step out to wash my hands and you can get dressed. Some people will need a minute or so after being on the table so please take your time to adjust to being upright. Upon my return, we will discuss the next steps of your treatment plan and self-care options that may include some exercise, breath work, or suggestions for other practitioners or services you could benefit from. All recommendations are optional however participating in your self-care will help you reach your goals!
Talking or not?I love music, so will always have something playing - If you want to listen to something specific feel free to send me your Spotify playlist or podcast! If you want to talk - go for it, if you would like a quiet treatment that is great too. I will follow your ques on chit chat outside of necessary communication and checking in during treatment!
What kind of techniques do you use?I am trained in Swedish Massage, Fascial work, Trigger point therapy, PNF and active release, joint mobilizations, and stretching and strengthening exercise assignment. I am dedicated to continual education and learning new skills and techniques to serve you better.
Do you accept tips?I do not accept tips, my price is inclusive of all modalities used. The best tip is telling your friends and family about me!
I have more questions?Please shoot me an email at and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have!
Looking forward to seeing you in the clinic
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